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Información de eZ Publish: 5.90.0alpha1

¿Qué es eZ Publish?

eZ Publish is a professional PHP application framework with advanced CMS (content management system) functionality. As a CMS, its most notable feature is its revolutionary, fully customizable and extendable content model. This is also what makes eZ Publish suitable as a platform for general PHP development, allowing you to rapidly create professional web-based applications.

Standard CMS functionality (such as news publishing, e-commerce and forums) are already implemented and ready to use. Standalone libraries can be used for cross-platform database-independent browser-neutral PHP projects. Because eZ Publish is a web-based application, it can be accessed from anywhere you have an internet connection.


Could not load LICENSE file! You should have a LICENSE file in your eZ Publish root directory.

Aviso de Copyright

Copyright for eZ Publish is included in the License shown above. Portions are copyright by other parties. A complete list of all contributors and third-party software follows.


The following is a list of the extensions that have been loaded at run-time by this copy of eZ Publish.

  • name: eZ JSCore LS
    version: //autogentag//
    copyright: Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
    license: This software is distributed under same license as eZ Publish
    info_url: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezjscore
    Includes the following third-party software:
    • name : YUI2
      version : 2.8.2
      copyright : Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
      license : Licensed under BSD License
      info_url : http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/
    Includes the following third-party software (2):
    • name : YUI3
      version : 3.17.2
      copyright : Copyright (c) 2014, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
      license : Licensed under BSD License
      info_url : http://yuilibrary.com/
    Includes the following third-party software (3):
    • name : jQuery
      version : 1.10.2
      copyright : Copyright (c) 2013 John Resig
      license : Licensed under MIT license
      info_url : http://jquery.com/
    Includes the following third-party software (4):
    • name : jQuery UI
      version : 1.10.3
      copyright : Copyright (c) 2013 jQuery project / jQuery UI team
      license : Dual licensed under MIT and GPL licenses
      info_url : http://jqueryui.com/about